If there was ever a time for a collective pause, this is that time. The fiery rhetoric from all sides seems as intense as I can recall. The barrage of media vying for clicks, likes, attention, and, of course, money recently left me reeling with anxiety and apathy. It wasn’t a place I wanted to be in, and after a bit of reflection, it dawned on me that it wasn’t a place I had to remain. I also realized that I wanted to try to facilitate such a collective breather, and so the idea for Media Blackout Week began. I want to accomplish two things through Media Blackout Week: experience a media detox and have you join me.

Media Detox

Over time, the toxicity of our media culture becomes commonplace, and its effect on us can go undetected. We likely find ourselves on a media merry-go-round of controversy that isn’t quite so merry. Perhaps unexplained anxiety has become a part of our daily lives. Maybe the perpetual frenzy impacts other areas. A one-week break might show us how much this constant connected state affects us and help us forge a better path forward.

Join Me

So, I invite you to join me in disconnecting from social media, television, radio, and online mediums from Sunday, October 8 through Saturday, October 14, 2023. For that week, emphasize connecting in person rather than online. Finish reading a book that you’ve put off. Take naps. Avoid the news and pundits. Limit screen time as much as possible. Grab coffee with an old friend. Wrap up an unfinished project around the house. Would you join me?

Media Blackout Week is not a political statement or an ideological movement. My goal is to encourage you to hit the pause button and do a little self-reflection. Hopefully, the result will be many with more balance in their lives amidst the chaos. 

Check out Be Still:Rest for the Culturally Weary, the devotional guide for #MediaBlackoutWeek.